Ziemer and D. Borth, Pearson Education, 3. Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook by M. Simon, J. Omura, R. Scholtz and B. Levitt 4. Torrieri, Springer, 5. Poisel, 2nd Ed. Kim and I. Koo, Artech House, 7. Holmes 8. Glisic 9. Signal design for Good Correlation by S. Golomb and G. Gong, Cambridge Univ. Readers are guided though topics ranging from pulse modulation and passband digital transmission to random processes and error—control coding.
Communications Systems is a comprehensive book for undergraduate electronics engineers. It covers the basic fundamentals of the subject and is suitable for a single semester course in the subject. In addition, the book covers Advanced Communication Systems, showing the latest developments in the industry. It is an indispensable book for all electronics and communications students. Spread Spectrum Communications; [by] Marvin K. Simon, Jim K. Omura, Robert A.
Scholtz [and] Barry K. Spread Spectrum Communications Handbook. Scholtz, Barry K.