Rossini guglielmo tell libretto pdf

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This website uses cookies to improve your experience. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Lohengrin, Bayreuth Live Opera in three acts. He wishes to escape, and the lake is the only route. Discover Prime Book Box for Kids. Operas based on the works of Friedrich von Gglielmo This theme relates to operas based on the works of Friedrich von Schiller. Arnold has come to tell Mathilde that, instead of leaving for battle, he is staying to avenge his father, and thereby renouncing both glory and Mathilde.

Geslerthe Austrian Governor of the cantons of Uri and Schwyz. Inspired, he devises his test: Shopbop Designer Fashion Brands. English Choose a language for shopping. They inspire the cantons to unite in this quest. Fabio Luisi said that Rossini planned for William Tell to be his last opera even as he composed it. Several portions of the overture were used prominently in the films A Clockwork Orange and The Eagle Shooting Heroes ; in addition, Dmitri Shostakovich quotes the main theme of the finale in the first movement of his 15th symphony.

The boat pulls into view, and Tell jumps ashore before pushing the boat back. William Tell Albrecht Gessler. MEN Come blend your steps with our songs! Stranger so fleet, do you wish to please? Ah, do not run away! The fresh flower is less beautiful when your steps go near it. The fresh flower compared with her is pale and without attractions. Come blend your steps with our songs!

Stranger so fleet, etc. They dance. MEN Come blend your songs, etc. Gessler's soldiers force the Swiss women to dance with them: the people show by their gestures their indignation at this violence. At the conclusion of the dance they all prostrate themselves before the trophy. Some soldiers drag forward Tell and his son, whom they have noticed still standing in the middle of the scene. TELL Taking your strength from their weakness you can degrade this people, but I, I do not recognise the law that prescribes for me a base action.

For him we have everything to fear! TELL Standing, I honour power when it frees us from a shameful slavery, but the independence of my brow bends before God alone. My voice and the perils threaten you together; see these arms, see these soldiers. TELL Serais-je devant toi, si je craignais la mort? TELL May he be the last! May he be the last! He defies, he threatens, come, no mercy, let's disarm him. Such arrogance wearies me. No, no mercy, let's disarm him.

TELL Mortal disgrace! Espoir de ma race, etc. Hope of my line, etc. Ah, let me, etc. He defies, he threatens, let's disarm him, come, let's disarm him, etc.

Let's disarm him, etc. Tell's crossbow and quiver are taken from him. TELL Le seul. TELL Le saveur? Pour un habile archer partout on te renomme. TELL Que dis-tu? TELL in a low voice, to Jemmy Rejoin your mother, I order it, let the fire blaze out on our hill-tops and give the three cantons the signal for battle! TELL The only one. TELL To save him? What is his crime?

You are celebrated everywhere as a skilful archer. TELL What are you saying? Non, le crime est trop grand. Il est un Dieu, Gessler! TELL montrant le ciel Il nous entend! TELL Je ne le puis. Abominable loi! Il s'agenouille. La peur l'atteint, un mot l'accable. TELL Ah, je crains tout de ma tendresse. No, the crime is too great.

You have no child! There is a God, Gessler! TELL pointing to the sky He hears us! TELL I cannot. TELL Stop! Abominable decree! You triumph over weakness; Jemmy's peril imposes a base action upon me, Gessler; and I bend the knee before you.

He kneels. Fear overtakes him, a word crushes him. TELL rising to his feet again This punishment at least is just; you punish me for having been able to forget myself. Plus de faiblesse, plus d'alarmes ; Qu'on me rende mes armes : Je suis Guillaume Tell enfin! Non, non, libre au moins je mourrai. The calm in your heart has steadied my hand. No more weakness, no more alarms; give me back my weapons: I am William Tell at last! Tell's bow and quiver are given back to him; bending low, he selects two bolts, one of which he conceals in his garments.

At this moment one of Mathilde's pages is seen leaving the stage and running off towards the castle. What an insult! No, no, free at least will I die. I expose my head to the fatal shot without murmur, and I shall await it without blanching. The accents of innocence do not disarm his vengeance? TELL At the sound of his voice my hand lets slip my weapons, my eyes are clouded by dangerous tears My son!

Gessler nods assent and Jemmy runs towards his father. Demeure ainsi, mais regarde les cieux, Demeure ainsi, mais regarde les cieux. Le moindre mouvement, le moindre mouvement Elle nous attend tous les deux! TELL Ciel! Stay like that, but look up at the sky, stay like that, but look up at the sky.

In threatening this beloved head this steel tip may startle your eyes. Move as little as you can, as little as you can Jemmy, Jemmy, think of your mother! She waits for us both! Jemmy, Jemmy, think of your mother, etc. Jemmy quickly returns to his position at the stake. Tell gazes dully round the assembly.

When his eye falls on Gessler his hand unconsciously moves to the place where he has concealed the second bolt; finally, he takes aim, shoots, and the apple flies off the child's head. TELL Heaven! Je succombe au bonheur. TELL embrassant son fils Je n'ai plus peur. Sacrifice affreux! I am overcome by happiness. Let us help my father! I have saved my dearest treasure! TELL embracing his son I'm no longer afraid. Enter Mathilde with her ladies and pages. What did I hear?

Atrocious sacrifice! Seigneur, seigneur, il faut m'entendre. Le fils aussi! Au nom du souverain, je le prends sous ma garde. Quand tout un peuple, etc. Des fers puniront ta vertu, Des fers puniront ta vertu. His son? A child! My lord, my lord, you must hear me. Nothing can suspend it. In the Sovereign's name I take him under my protection. With a whole indignant people looking on at you, dare, dare to snatch him from my arms!

With a whole indignant people, etc. Shackles will punish your virtue, shackles will punish your virtue. But the winds, the storm? L'habile nautonier n'est-il pas avec moi? Is not the expert boatman with me? At the castle that the lake surrounds a new torment awaits him. Have mercy! No, no, no, never! La vertu la plus rare Va tomber sous ses coups! Les coups de la vengeance.

TELL When my death is being prepared may my son, o barbarian, escape from your blows! The rarest of virtue will fall beneath his blows! These words are succeeded by a moment of stupefaction among the people. Vive Gessler! Long live Gessler! Anathema on Gessler! O torments of hell! Les soldats chargent la foule qui se disperse dans la plus grande consternation. La mort que j'envisage, etc. Gessler, Rodolphe and the soldiers force a way through the crowd dragging Tell with them.

Mathilde leaves with Jemmy. The soldiers charge the crowd which disperses in a state of the greatest anxiety.

Ah, let your soul be reassured, etc. You require him to direct his shots against his son, you cause your anger to fall upon a child? But into my breast he has put his courage. Even if at the pleasure of your wrath death becomes my lot, go on, from his hand it will seem sweet, etc. I await the trial with courage, and I await it at your knees. I implore it, I implore it with courage, yes, I await it at your knees.

The death that I face smiles upon my young soul, I await the trial with courage, I implore it, I implore it at your knees. The death that I face, etc. I implore it at your knees! Guillaume est dans les fers, et mon impatience Presse le moment des combats. Dans cette enceinte quel silence! J'appelle, il n'entend plus ma voix! Je viens vous voir, etc. Nous voulons tous le secourir. William is in chains and my impatience urges on the moment for battle. How silent it is in this place!

I listen - and I hear only the sound of my own footsteps. I must drive out a secret terror! I must go in! In spite of myself I halt upon the threshold; my father is dead, I shall not go back in there. Ancestral home where my eyes opened to the light of day, only yesterday your protective shelter offered a father to my love. I call in vain, o bitter grief!

I call, he no longer hears my voice! Beloved walls within which my father dwelt, I come to see you for the last time!

I come to see you, etc. Ancestral home where my eyes opened to the light of day, beloved walls within which my father dwelt, I come to see you for the last time! I hear alarm-cries. We all want to help him. Des armes! Courons armer nos bras! Enfin le glaive arme nos bras, etc. D'Altdorf les chemins sont ouverts. Suivez moi! Arms, give us arms, and we shall know how to die. Give us arms! ARNOLD William and my father long since foresaw the hour for battle: under the rock, at the back of the lonely chalet, run and arm yourselves, run and arm yourselves!

Let's run and arm ourselves! For you, who deprive my love of my father and my mistress, is death enough, is death enough? At last we have swords to arm us, etc. If our leader is in fetters it is to us his defence belongs; the roads to Altdorf are open, the roads to Altdorf are open.

Follow me! Let us cheat the murderous hope of a treacherous monster, let us cheat his murderous hope; let us wrest William from his blows! Let us wrest William from his blows! Suivons-le, aux combats, Suivons-le, aux combats.

D'Altdorf les chemins sont ouverts, D'Altdorf les chemins sont ouverts, Suivez-moi. This task is worthy of us! Let us follow him, into battle. The roads to Altdorf are open, the roads to Altdorf are open, follow me. Let's follow him! Aux combats Ou victoire Yes, let us cheat the murderous hope of a cruel and treacherous tyrant, this task is worthy of us! Aux armes! To arms!

La mort, la mort! Thick clouds, harbingers of a storm, line the horizon. Arranger Ferdinand Gasse Arranger Louis Moreau Gottschalk — Arranger Charles Kunkel as Claude Melnotte. Louis: Kunkel Brothers , Arranger Nicholas Charles Bochsa Arranger Dudley Buck Published as Buck's Opus Arranger Albert Lister Peace London: Reeves , n.

Arranger Gustav Blasser Vienna: Universal Edition , n. Plate U. Arranger Franz Liszt Vladimir Belov Konstantin Sorokin Opernye transkriptsii dlya fortep'yano Moscow: Muzyka , n. Arranger Max Schultze. Leipzig: C. Peters , Kalmus , No. Arranger Giulio Castronovo b. Milan: A. Barion, Rossini, Gioacchino. Cast Guillaume Tell baritone Hedwige, his wife mezzo-soprano Jemmy, his son soprano Mathilde, Habsburg princess soprano Arnold Melchtal tenor Melchtal, his father bass Gesler, Austrian Governor of Uri and Schwyz cantons bass Walter Furst bass Ruodi, a fisherman tenor Leuthold, a shepherd bass Rodolphe, Captain of Gesler's guard tenor A hunter baritone Mixed Chorus Peasants, shepherds, knights, pages, ladies, soldiers, bridal couples Orchestra piccolo, flute, 2 oboes 1st also English horn , 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons 4 horns, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones timpani, triangle, bass drum, cymbals, strings Offstage Band 4 horns.


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