At the risk of appearing overly optimistic, I am confident that the following will de-mystify and clarify DEEP for all readers. Counseling, when required, is a part of DEEP. If you can follow this rule, you are on your way to achieving a better understanding of the program. If you cannot or will not follow rule number one, you may as well stop reading now. They should be at full mast. This is a bureaucratic labyrinth of often nonsensical government slop. Look, OUI cases are, by far and away, the most complicated criminal cases in Maine and in all 50 states.
Lawyers should have a printout available for clients at the initial consultation or, at least, provide them with a link to the website. Step one: Step one is education remember the acronym referenced above. Clients will be in a class of people. This is a 20 hour lecture and breakout sessions over a three or four day format depending on which format works best. This is NOT an evaluation of any kind. It is an archaic data gathering survey and was developed as such. Nonetheless, all of these surveys will be fed into a computer in Augusta.
The computer will spit out numerical scores for each client. Circa seven to ten days following the completion of the 20 hour education sessions, The DEEP office will send each client a letter.
Get a copy of that letter from your client. Step two: Step two is an evaluation. If client is referred to the evaluation step, DEEP will provide him with a few random names of clinicians in his area.
Do NOT allow your client to hire that clinician unless and until you approve of that person. Client must apprise you of the results from step one and you must ensure that he schedules the evaluation with someone of whom you approve. There are unscrupulous clinicians out there who are motivated financially. Southern Maine Community College. Southern Midcoast CareerCenter. Southern New Hampshire University.
Family Crisis Shelter. Family Focus. Head Start. Help Fix ME. Maine Families. Maine's Child Care Subsidy Program. Lions Club. Miracle Ear Foundation. Vocational Rehabilitation. Worker Advocate Program.
Workers Compensation. Benefits Checklist. Good Morning Brunswick. Legal Services for the Elderly. Maine Senior Farm Share. Meals on Wheels. Money Minders. Spectrum Generations. Alternative Aid. General Assistance. Individual Development Account. Social Security- Disability Benefits. Social Security- Survivors' Benefits.
Unemployment Insurance. Bath Area Food Pantry. Current Events. Eat Well Program. Have you been stopped for an OUI? How to get started? They will help you connect with a qualified DEEP counselor. This form will include the DEEP approved counselor you wish to see.