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Cortland Ct. In any discussion of crafts centers or of chance to check out woodworking there, I cinnati-Berea provides the first sight of woodworking schools, somebody is sure jumped at it. Over the course of two mountains, the first sign that the freeway to mention Berea. People generally know weeks or so, I met a lot of fine people, a is finally getting somewhere. Yet for years the only run commercial workshops.

And rumors The town itself is perfectly situated to serious crafts gallery for tourists to browse abound that the town harbors a small but support a substantial tourist industry.

But in my travels, I'd lO-hour drive, the land rolls flat and student-crafts industries. For tourists driving south on The college is a liberal arts school to the intriguing place, so when I got the from Canada, from Cleveland, from Cin- founded in 5. Students do all the routine jobs that keep the place running. Before his death, Nutting bequeathed the college the rights to his own furniture designs which the school later sold to Drexel Heritage.

He also left it his personal collection, and Berea College remains the largest repository of Nutting's own work. For a while, Woodcraft was managed by Rude Osolnik, head of Berea College's industrial arts department.

He began teaching at the school in 7. I worked in my shop on the side and tried to get into a guild. They turned me down the first time. Said my finish was too thin and my edges were too sharp. They didn't like my choice of wood, either.

Nobody'd ever heard of walnut frames and spalted hackberry panels, so they knocked me down. You can learn how to apply production techniques there, how to apply jigs and fixtures. I use some, but most of my templates are just boards and sticks nailed together. I have a solar kiln I built, too, but right now all the plastic has blown off. This country gets windy. Right the big old walnut there.

Every fall, I figure came by two years ago. I've been letting dar tree, then it passed them sprout where they fall, about three feet from the so something can come up shop door-the whole to take the old tree's place, building shook-and went but every spring the tree off down the hill along flowers again. It's just not that fence line. It just missed ready to go. Since then, growth has woodworking from the past few decades. May's dulcimers were designs. May's cabinet is not rough-hewn.

In addition to the Upstairs improved the door design so it couldn't dard of value by the way it prices its own Gallety, they were now renting a corner sag and scratch the counter, and he crafts products, thus attracting serious shop at street level. Behind a large front matched the grain throughout.

In pieces buyers who know what they want. As a window was a shallow showroom, a low with more than one drawer in line across bonus, Berea is not only close to populous dividing counter with a stack of dulcimers the width, May routinely makes all the markets and numerous crafts fairs, it's on it, and a fully equipped woodworking drawer bottoms from a single board so beautiful as well.

But my impression was shop that filled the space to the back wall, that the grain matches clear across when that there is even more.

May and the drawers are all open. This can't be mosphere conducive to making honest, his helper Danny Lyons were building two seen when the drawers are full, of course, distinctive furniture, solid contemporaty small standing cabinets for a show that but May likes to do it anyway. They had a lot of May has been in town seven years, and have in their living room. This certainly pieces scattered around and managed to Lyons has been with him for the last isn't front-line woodworking from either dty-assemble enough of them so that I three.

May persuaded his helper to learn coast-the sort of furniture you have to could take a snapshot below. What on time and then sold within a week. May now play a mean duet. They have such I saw in Berea was high-style at heart, a can sell everything he makes just about rapport that all they need to make a piece.

Warren May at right above and Danny Lyons with two cabinets in progress-one is shown finished at left. May 's designs exemplify the best Berea furniture: clean modern lines with a period flavor. They had students spend the entire first quarter making right-angle lap joints with hand tools, joints that were flat, flush and square in every way.

I stayed there two and a half years. I was lucky to get Rude Osolnik for my first woodworking course. He was the best teacher there. I really hustled-I used to go to every crafts show within four hundred miles. I could sell everything I made, but only if I kept than an artist. I try to rockers. They bought the the prices low. I realize now make perfect joinery, to find chair and ordered some that everybody was hav- the best ways of putting beds and other things.

Six ing problems, but at the something together, and my months later, they came and time I thought i t was just aim is not necessarily to got some more. Then one me. I used to ask myself if make my work stand out day they called up and there was any other kind from other stuff.

It's nice asked me if I'd be here [at of work I could possibly do. You have made. I'll make signs are related to the for themselves. I don't want to me. For the Shakers, the store in Chicago and they perfect one design and then ideals were what counted. They saw furnituremaking furniture. They ordered That's too narrow. You can as an expression of belief. Whatever they sell, "I like woodworking as "Things finally seem to I'll have to make all over art, but it's not me. When I be turning around.

A year again. They're good people, piece. I'm more a technician ly jumped into one of my we trust each other. They switch college, the guilds, and Rude Osolnik places casually, cutting and fitting parts. The college, chalk. In his hands they cut, not scrape. I asked to see how the pentry job. No more up the tailstOck.

As the spur center began working for other people. Then the shavings were head-and I can make a chair in about a day and 2 ft. As of debt. I've done so many that I've run out of bark for the bit turned in his drill press, Osolnik my own chair seats. The simply freehand-shoved the candlestick only good time to strip bark up into it, saving the time it would have is in the spring, and thought I I had plenty.

These taken to center the blank and lower the quill. They'll wait. I tried living in Mendocino for about six months because I'd heard so much about it, but for me that place just wasn't right-I'd pick up a drill bit I'd been using for years, and all of a sudden it wouldn't drill a straight hole anymore. So my wife and I took a trip cross-country, looking for some other place to settle. Not anywhere. Sometimes I'll go to a specialty textile show and sell some there. I ask people to try all the wheels they can.

But of course you ing gauge a little under- wouldn't make them one size and scribe lines in from at a time. Making wheels is all four sides. I don't terpunch the middle of the know whether I'd say I'm a little square.

Drill a hole in the carefully. Then false movements. When you turn the sharpen, like the English finial, it will be exactly turners do. I learned how centered around the rod, to turn from reading about and will line up with the it.

Peter Child, Frank post it's set on. With tools, I have cision isn't just for looks, strong preferences, but I you know-a wheel has to don't think that what suits work right or it's not me has to suit everybody. The wood "I have some tips, tWngs has to be right, too, and I've learned. When I'm I'll tell you something-you setting up a turning square, get a lot better wood here I don't mark diagonals on than you'll ever see on the the ends to find the centers.

West Coast. I'm sure designed and built for turning ovals. See what you think of it. I picked another: " Have you met so-and-so yet? He's a without hesitation. He has every kind of carver, a wiry man almost 70 years old, wood I 've ever heard of, and then some. He showed me a never seen this before. It turns all on's wheels power a conveyor belt that right, and it's just about indestructible.

Here, take it with you through another set of faster-turning when you go. Inabnitt Everywhere I visited in Berea, people tbe bills, in a town called Stab. He has five or six-or five or six dozen-of everything.

Inabnitt does most of his work with a. His wife, Viney, sews quilts for the miniature beds. It most definitely is So the first year. Joe laughed, "She's got boxes all over the house. After the first year, there was still room and board to be students can change their work pro gram , "We had a man come up one time paid for.

I waited for such crafts as gifts to wealthy donors. He picked things was a small step for the college to stan ing wood throughout their stay. They just up, tried them out, and put each one back making and selling them outright as part enjoy it. Then he JUSt said: 'I'll take of its student work program. Nevertheless, students at the college them all.

On commencement day in , organized the first Berea craft fair, Frost are firmly steered toward books, not encouraged to haunt the woodshop. Few families sit by their stoves from the surrounding hills. During the crafts heyday, students ence has to put in extra time in the work for a quick buck is a code of ethics that's even grew their own flaxfor weaving. Long days and hard work are the grams, such as the dairy farm and the taught at the college for forty years and rule in Berea.

The grow. At first, the major outlet was the pered. The crafts, essential no other way to live, without question. A student coming to Berea College is as they are, are just a means to an end-a sideline. You know, you could do a lot worse. In workshops, Marcoux is more whimsical, using yardsticks to show how 'weak materials ' make strong furniture. Kalhy Carver. For centuries, tate looks. Things like: Dark wood should sion of design; purpose-in-use becomes a ancient Egyptian craftsmen used triangles be used for serious furniture, light wood reason for being.

The small table shown in their furniture. What puzzles me is that for informal furniture; forms should be predominantly rectangular. All that was above is rypical of my personal solution. There's no highly figured wood added for sometime between 1 and Be the triangle disappeared as a visible aesthetic toO inhibiting for me as a designer.

I effect, JUSt distinctive linear patterns and and structural element in formal furniture struggled for years to SOrt Out a point of geometric shapes. When I began exploring who was still able to make furniture that serving material or enabling me to build the design possibilities of triangles, I felt people would want. As I'm a natural conserver and a cost-conscious craftsman, a rich vein in an abandoned mine. Because triangles distribute weight in design rule: Form follows function. I start this appeals to me.

Then I cut the bolt close to the nut with electricians' diagonal cutters, unscrew the nut this helps fix any threads damaged by the cutters and put on the cap nut. This way, I'm sure that the bolt won't bottom out in the cap nut before the nut can be tightened down. The Tri-table could also be lashed together with cane or rattan. I used rattan only on the top and bottom of the center-column dowels.

The top is solid maple, but you could use cane or thin strips of wood in a dowel frame instead. After deciding the height and size of the tabletop, I drew its side view on the Maple dowels are the main structural components in this weavers ' bench.

Next I added blocks and braces to diameter dowels and other relatively weak enough to weaken any component. I center-pricked the intact. Without diagonals to brace them, troduce design ideas and the possibilities dowels at the three points where they cross rectangular constructions put under stress that "weak materials" offer by having and, using a portable power drill, just tend to distort into parallelograms.

It's a Then I sanded the dowels in a large drum will remain strong and rigid, so I 've found good exercise, and you don't even need sander see pp. In my ing touches complete the kit. You don't angular units together with strips Cut from tables, I tty to create linear and angular need a tape measure, either-just use the an inner tube.

On a plywood base, I made patterns that fascinate and delight the eye. Adding work together. To secure with the viewer's position. I assembled the table dowels, glued in one end of the rattan, of my favorite ideas: "It does what it's with IX-in.

The legs and struts are tial length of these bolts. After drilling added Va-in. Detail A: Attaching the top - mviding circle into three equal parts sets legs at angles. Stainless steel bolt with cap nut. Plywood jig holds dowels in triangular arrangement so they can be bored. Alternatively, you could cut the buy furniture that's strong, well designed to form an attractive angle. Then I bored legs at the floor line while they're still in and reasonably priced.

I liked the Tri-table so much that I 've er's eye with a willingness to experiment Tightening the bolts and buffing the expanded the idea to make much more and depart from traditional woodworking metal parts completed the base. I 've also developed a whole series of dual-leg tables with triangular, continued on nextpage tive visual effects.

Door is secured by strap hinges acting as hasps. I prefer maple dowels, if I can find them. Genera l ly, dowel s purchased from any reputable lumberyard are maple or birch. Avoid cheap i mports-they're spongy and porous and they don't hold up wel l. The brackets that To use the sander, I throw in several els, they' l l probably be pretty rough and connect the drum to its suppon and drive handfu l s of sandpaper strips with t he covered with m i l l marks.

For abraSives, I cut sandpaper depends on how badly the dowels are figure 4 , that tumble-sands 30 50 to dowels at once. I also attached self-adhering sandpaper to marked.

The drum has to turn slowly, about 25 RPM, otherwise the dowels wi l l peting to cushion the dowels and to keep each end of the drum to sand the ends of be tossed about too roughly and will fal l. Marcoux dubbed this J SU- in. The top is bronze-colored glass.

Drill center hole and end hole. Drill hole in second dowel and bolt to first dowel. If I want to clean hardware before it's painted, I tumble the pieces for Swing second dowel.

Both end holes will be cloth strips. When I have to dri l l dowels, I often use a center punch to make a starting mark Conventional drill-press and I gauge the angle of the dri l l by eye. In a piece of hard wood, bit cut a V large enough to hold a dowel and fasten the block to one jaw with wire. Then attach that piece to the other jaw so that the nail Center drill will hit the dowel in the V-block.

This bit on tool is easy to contro l , and it makes a hole deep enough for you to ac cura tely start bottom of V. I also use a variety of blocks and jigs as dril l guides. The first block should be thicker than the Crossbrace supports dowel during drilling, be drilled through their center. The second block then is removed so should be lis i n. Dri l l guide holes in the metal plate at the locations you want them in the dowels. Next hinge the plate to the first rubber bands and dri l l through the first use a m o d i fi e d spade b i t to dri l l and block, so that the plate can be lowered hole to make the second.

I use a similar round over the end of a dowe l. To shape over the dowe l. When lowered, the plate technique figure 68 to dri l l holes that the tops of the I - in. Glue the first block to the place the correct-size dowel next to it, base, A dri l l press can also be used for dri l ling dowels. A stop block tacked in the dowel e l. After turning the dri l l-press table. The point of the V also a predri l led dowel to a second dowel with dril l-press table vertically figure 6C , I helps you line up the dri l l bit.

The top beautiful unsigned piece, except appears to be glued all around. An aura of mystery cloaks this beautiful chest: where was same direction as in the sides, the The owners presume that the it made and by whom? Adding to its charm is the del- top is still tight and without icate string inlay and fan, shown full-size at top ofpage. Overland after it was made. The chest's secondary wood is white pine, but that's no cluel tOvi veneer sheet and apply the sheet to the apron, as if you were ago that most mahogany furniture was built in coastal areas..

Readers wishing to reproduce ginia used white pine extensively as a secondary wood, and the original authentically, however, will probably prefer to make northerners shipped a great deal of mahogany furniture to their own Ys-in. If the secondary wood were yellow below. In this method, the apron blank is first veneered with pine, you could reliably classify the piece as a southern antique. Before you start on the inlay, cut the those used by 18th-century cabinetmakers.

On the original veneered apron to size, but don't scroll-saw it to shape yet. Wait chest, Ys-in. That way you can saw the apron solid-mahogany sides, and similar strips face the white-pine to match the bottom curve of the inlay. The apron and the edge of the solid-pine base also If you cut your own fan, make an exact copy of the inlay are veneered. A white string inlay highlights the solid-wood top from thin cardboard before making one from wood.

Start with a and the drawer fronts. A narrow diamond-pattern inlay band piece of cardboard slightly larger than the fan. That way, as you runs around the front and sides JUSt below the level of the chest cut out the individual leaves, you'll be making the fan-shaped base. To reproduce the piece, you could use solid wood cutout you'll need later for a fitting template. If you want to throughout, except for the apron, where veneer and a marquetry make an elliptical fan like the original, you can trace the photo.

Here I'll make a slightly different, circular inlay. Next, using a sharp pencil, trace each leaf pattern onto Ys-in. As much as possible, avoid short cross-grain near the narrow ends of the leaves. Cut on the waste side of the pencil lines, then plane and file the edges down to the lines and fit the pieces into the cardboard template.

When making the fan inlay for this article, I used only about three tablespoons of fine white sand in a small metal plate, but you might find it easier to control the temperature with about an inch of sand in a pan. Put the container on a hot plate set on medium until the sand is hot. L Use a light scraping pressure, working first in one direction mine how long each must be heated.

For a start, about five seconds; you may have to adjust the temperature. On the original, the tone To cut a X6-in. The hole will dimensional look. Don't overdo it, or you'll char the pieces. After While the shaded pieces are cooling, use the template to trace the groove is cut, soften the string inlay in boiling water so it can the fan shape on a 2 -in. The tape should be cut the same size as or slightly smaller cially available X6-in. Now bend than the Yzs-in.

I used maple stringing er. Lift the inlay out as a unit, sandwich it between twO pieces of because it's more readily available than the holly used on the wood that can be clamped in a vise, and file the fan's back edge original chest. If you don't want to buy inlay, you could saw to a slight bevel to ensute a tight fit. Once the inlay is soft Clamp the beveled fan in position on the apron and carefully enough to bend, apply a thin coat of yellow glue to the bottom pencil a line around it.

When the glue has dried, sand all the inlay flush with. Cut the recess shallow the apron surface. Next cut the inlay grooves for the top and the drawer fronts. Dry-fit the inlay and pare the recess outline for a snug fit. Next Whether you use a scratch stock or a Dremel tool, Cut the spread yellow glue over the recess bottom, drop the entire inlay straight grooves first.

The inlay should be stuck firmly enough to protect the wood and to anchor the guide pivot of the Dremel or stay put while you sand off the tape. A little more sanding will scratch stock.

Set the pivot in the indentation punched in the create enough dust to fill any small spaces between the leaves. To ensure that the fan is down, cover the inlay with waxed paper, metal template and place the cutter bit in the end of a straight groove to start.

Then pivot the cutter to the end of the next replace the wood block, and reclamp the assembly until dry. If you don't want to use a router-and I didn't until recently when I was given a Dremel tool and discovered how handy it can be-all the inlaying can be done with a small homemade scratch stock, as shown at right above.

BLOCK ,. I find that twO handsaws so they're held out of the glued groove. Cut a miter through clamped together will make a kerf as wide as that of a 1O-in. The joint combination blade. Regardless of whether you buy pre-cut inlay or make your The drawer fronts listed in the bill of materials are :Xs in.

Much of the beauty of narrower, top to bottom, than the opening, allowing X in. The types of mahogany available today, however, ed in some regions. Drawer runners are strips fastened to the sides with two Although it may sound tedious, an easy way to protect the white nails each. Don't secure them more firmly than that, or the sides areas is to take a tiny watercolor brush and apply enough white may eventually split from wood movement.

The back shown here is made of tongue-and-grooved vertical If you reproduce the piece from my drawing, note that the boards. The original chest's back has twO thin boards that fit top rails are dovetailed into the sides, while blind mortises with into grooves cut in the edges of a thicker, center suppOrt. Nails twin tenons are used on the lower rails. If you prefer, you can hold the thin boards in rabbets in the chest sides, to the top rail, dovetail all the drawer rails.

Also, CUt a housed dovetail joint so that you can slide the bottom in from the back. Carlyle Lynch, a deSigner, cabinetmaker and retired teacher, The feet can be made in two ways. Foot pieces with a concave lives in Broadway, Va. Drawings by the author. Lynch 's plans taper can be glued into recesses cut into the sides, then the front for a Queen Anne highboy appeared in FWW 42, and others of the foot assembly covered with a shaped piece.

On the sides, of his drawings are available from Garrett Wade, Lee Valley if you want to shape the legs without interrupting the grain Tools Ltd , and Woodcraft Supply. Since a 1O-in. Y stocks fans, escutcheons and inlay borders suitable for the chest shown here. Manhattan space for the wedges in two steps, beginning with a tablesaw Supply Corp. Y 1 and finishing up with a handsaw. For more on CutS clear across the sides while they're square.

Bandsaw the inlay, see FWW 27, pp. Desc rlpdon Wood T x W x L. Hardware: Eight brass pulls, 2X-in. Dimensions include X s-in. While practicing basic woodworking skills, you can make this simple dining table and bookcase, or Flattening boards-The tabletop and varia tions to suit your fancy. I enjoy working faces usually will be cupped across the sions were devoted not to the construction solid wood. There is solid wood and solid wood, make them that way. Board-making is not exactly the stuff however.

But what I wanted was utility, step builds on the last, and if you miss inets. Pine filled the bill on all suffer for it at the end-or sooner. The sequence but I hope they'll get you going. Mistakes are inevitable and and you're ready to glue up. Make the in. In lumberman's lingo, you'll effective tool for flattening. Its mechanical the bookcase with the third and fourth. Chests of drawers, after "surfaced four sides," meaning that the But even if you're blessed with a wide all, are JUSt little boxes housed in a big boards have been surfaced on both faces jointer and a planer, it helps to know how box; tables, merely slabs of wood perched and both edges.

They're relatively cheap, boards by hand. In the process, you'll also. I hold the blade with a thankless task. It's inevitable that, or side to side. The cutting edge of a plane blade is at the intersection of the bevel and the back of the blade.

The ideal edge, like the ideal line in geometry, Take six to eight strokes, would have length but no then feel for a burr of thickness. All sharpening steel rolling over the back methods try to refine the of the cutting edge. My sharpening tools are Then turn the blade over, simple: a bench grinder with a medium-grit, 6-in.

Alternate 8-in. Most grinders have tool ward the cuticle. The lower Sharpening involves a series of simple operations, but success requires patience and persistence. Grind a bevel on the blade below , then rests that can be fixed, or the angle at which the refine the edge with increasingly fine benchstones and a leather strop.

Try adapted, to support the edge catches on the nail, the not to rock the blade as you push or pull it across the blade at the bevel angle. Conveyor Belts were required to bring out the produced gifts, as the tree itself could not be interacted with.

The first upgrade adds Candy Canes. The third upgrade adds Iron ornaments and colorful gift boxes to the tree.

The final upgrade adds a decorative star at the tip of the tree. For year , the rewards for all of the days were randomized, except for the 1st, 4th, 5th, 11th, and the 25th of December:. For all other days, the sequence was shuffled, although it was guaranteed to get all the items below eventually:.

Satisfactory Wiki Explore. Main Page All Pages. Useful pages. Satisfactory links. Gamepedia support Report a bad ad Help Wiki Contact us. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Edit source History Talk From Belt Mk. Red Christmas Wrapping with White Stars is used around fan blades and in a strip across body.

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